Basic Life Support Consultancy
Basic Life Support Consultancy is a training company based in Mildenhall near Bury St Edmunds offering First Aid training to Industry, Commerce and Care. Our training and assessing in all types of first aid is by experienced first aiders or health professionals, so we can make the courses relevant to the needs of your workplace and our aim is to ensure candidates have the confidence to apply their first aid training in the workplace.

My name is Emma Murrow, Steve Murrow and I took over Basic Life Support Consultancy from the 1st January 2016.
Steve is a State Registered Paramedic and has been a trainer for over 20 years. He has also been running a small company providing both first aid and fire training for the same time. I was a front line Firefighter for the Suffolk Accident & Rescue Service for 14 years and left in a recent round of redundancies.
I run the administrative side of things and Steve with the aid of our team look after the training, we only employ trainers that have a medical back ground to ensure that they have the knowledge and experience to pass on to our customers.
If the course content that you need isn’t obvious on here, please contact us and we’ll do what we can to suit your needs.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Emma Murrow (Training Centre Manager)

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